Hello everyone, wishing the east coast many blessings for what it is enduring this week.
I’m honored to be one of the lightworkers/ shamans/ teachers being asked to assist in leading to the next level. I believe my role is varied depending on the need, and I know that part of my role is to educate/offer information in a way that eliminates fear, encourages heart opening and self-empowerment, and brings us closer together in a world that many times moves toward isolation.
Isolation is a theme I intend to explore as we move forward into a new world vibration, for what we are being called toward is releasing the global isolation. Yes, we have grown as a culture and learned to communicate with and explore other cultures. Yet we still haven’t truly gotten to the point of seeing beyond cultural barriers to explore the truth, we are all humans first (I’m purposely not saying we are all spiritual first as the lessons we are learning right now are very human).
What I mean by this is part of the shift is showing the world that all of us can be affected by the same things and one shift can and will cause shifts in other areas of the world. I get an image of the globe as a moving, pulsing, breathing heart-body. When the breath expands, things move. The waters move like arterial flow, the continents like organs, and when one organ or flow is blocked or shifts, the structure of the earth heart shifts too.
The cause is not the only focus here (ie. global warming), the energetic effect that events like this have on us as a human race has many factors that change the vibrations around us, our thinking as well as our physical existence. Three main ones are:
1 - That none of us can live in isolation - we need each other and to come together when challenging events occur;
2 - That we CAN trust other people to do things for our highest good; endless are those who aid others when they are suffering for no reason, these times remind us of the good of humanity and bring us face to face with people as human as we are (see more on this in a minute as TRUST is a big lesson in 2012);
3 - That we are resilient beings with no limit to what we can accomplish. That challenges can make us stronger and force us to explore new ways of being that may even be better than the old. As an isolated society, we have also become in some respects lazy with our gifts. Too much television, not enough connections with others, unhealthy food and chemically laden surroundings all lower our vibrations creating a world where ingenuity and invention perish and that is NOT going to happen now, the earth will make sure of it.
It's time to respect our lives and ourselves and live fully for as long as we have here. Along with our consciousness releasing fears and gaining spiritual momentum, the earth is feeling the shift and moving too.
This isn’t all scientific, it can’t all be explained away, as our thoughts DO and WILL in mass affect the earth and it’s structures and vice versa. I believe as these changes continue to occur (and I will be offering more information in my newsletters which will start up again regularly in 2012) we will be called on for three things:
1) Flexibility – we have been stagnant too long. We have been living with the belief system that if we get ourselves secure – in a home, job, relationships – we can get to a point of being in control. This is the life our media fed us for lifetimes, it’s NOT reality. There is no point of security to get to. Life is flow and if we don’t start to flow with it, and we keep trying to tighten the reigns to feel secure, we will not only miss the point of spiritual revolution, we will also find ourselves constantly plugging holes in a box that keeps overflowing. We need to recognize, there is nothing to fear of what is in the box, let it overflow, it’s overflowing with love, kindness and opportunity for a life greater than you ever imagined. A life greater than any of us ever imagined.
2) Personal Responsibility – It is time for us to take responsibility for our lives, our thoughts, our actions and what we are choosing in our worlds. There is too much blame – conscious and unconscious – in our world. We blame our governments, our teachers, our loved ones, and those in the car in front of us going too slow while talking on a cell phone. We blame people for making us feel bad, for taking things from us, for forcing us into structures we don’t want. This gets us nowhere, immediately nowhere. We need to think of the box here.
No, I am not saying to scream at the person on the cell phone, I am saying that shifting the internal dialog from “I hate her, crazy lady on a cell phone” to “I call in a world with no cell phones in cars and people consciously driving” is taking personal responsibility of our thoughts in the moment.
3) Seeing Ourselves as a Global Community - Our media does us a great disservice by focusing on the one person doing wrong instead of the billions of people trying to help one another. I can’t count the number of social networks, nonprofits and individuals I know trying to help people through natural disasters, personal traumas, homelessness, physical ailments, etc.
We need to realize the news is fictional in a great respect. It is not the norm that you are seeing on the television, it is the aberrations and through the media’s eyes we have learned to focus as they do, on the one causing harm instead of the millions making a positive difference.
For example, when someone sees someone littering, they often get angry – how dare they. Then their unconscious mind, taught by the media, goes further to create a society of littering people who cause harm.
What if, when you see someone litter, instead of berating them in your head, you choose to pick up the litter yourself and as you put it in the trash can thinking to yourself ‘I call in a world where people don’t litter” and as you do so looking in the trash can at the remnants from the endless other people feeling the same as you. Now you are part of the society that doesn’t litter and this person is like a drop of water in a sea of non-litterers.
Another example is when I see someone try to cut a line. People get so upset at the aberration instead of noticing that the number of people choosing to wait their turn is much longer. In fact, if we were to put 10 billion people in a room, there are very few of them that would ever cause harm intentionally. To get more specific, in the US in 2010 the number of people according to the census was 308,745,538. How many people in the us have caused harm that has made the media in a given year? Let’s say 5 people per week? That is 260 people in a year that are in the media causing harm (and still even some of this is non-intentional). Look at that percentage. We are focusing on less than .000001 percent of the people in the world when we watch the media. THAT IS NOT TRUTH.
The person next to you that is thinking about making it to his daughter’s graduation, the woman having birth hoping she can take care of her child, the doctor up at night researching his patient’s medical condition, the people like me trying to help as many people as possible to be empowering to LIVE with joy and purpose, these are our global community, let’s not forget that. We all have bad days, times that are tough that make us feel angry at the world. We need to start coming together more to remind each other these bad days are just drops in the ocean of life and the flow of the ocean, being held in love by the waters of mother earth and father sky, is the reality of life.
This is not going to always be an easy time to live in, yet is IS one with endless possibilities.
Please, don’t miss it, you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t meant to experience all this life is offering.
Blessings and looking forward to continuing communications.
In Loving Light,
Jenifer Satya Shapiro