Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tonight's Super Moon and Merc Retrograde

I'm writing this post to address two topics I've been asked to discuss - tonights full moon 3/19/11 and the mercury retrograde coming up.

First, yes, we have an unusual moon this evening - just check out the currents in Santa Cruz - crazy waves and not just the aftershocks of the tsunami. This moon is the largest full moon in nearly 20 years so the dramatic visual effect will be awe-inspiring for those who can view it. Per the physical affects, the moon affects water in curious waves and if we think of water as an element that gives a glimpse of our emotions, we may wish to take some deep breaths today:)

We are very connected to the moon cycles and this sort of moon creates a current that we will feel and see affecting those around us. This moon is affecting the earth energy in a very positive way. From what I'm seeing, with all that has occurred across the ocean, this moon is actually in some ways attempting a clearout to do some rebalancing. This may give us a couple of days this week of calmer energy - though with the mercury retrograde period begun, we may not feel this go as deeply as it could. The earth and sun signs are going to feel the positive calm the most with water signs feeling a little off from it actually.

Per Mercury Retrograde starting 3/30/11

For more on Retrograde, view my website and go to astrocurrents, there is an explanation toward the bottom of the page.

This mercury retrograde started pulling energy already even though it hasn't officially begun so if things started feeling haywire the past week and decision making was off, this may have been part of it. While usually merc retros have a strong technology influence, this one seems to have more of a life instance connection than usual. What I mean is, daily events may have some twists and turns including dramatic closures and openings. For example, your favorite coffee shop may close unexpectedly for a month or the house you have been wanting for years may suddenly drop dramatically in price - yes, mercury retrograde CAN create a better situation for many things too. Also, I'm seeing a cognitive aspect for this one so thinking may feel a little hazy, like easy decisions are feeling difficult for no reason or like your intuition and your head aren't connecting.

Too often, people think of mercury retrograde as a challenging time in a negative way. I try to focus on being nonreactive and using laughter as my medium. Then when the unusual events happen I can learn from them and shift my focus without getting caught up in it.

Honestly, this is a GREAT retrograde to practice non-attachment because WITH the inconsistencies there is some amazing energy for creating something new this month and this year so if you chose to watch the challenges as guides for shifting your focus, you may just end up with a new job, a new home or even a new relationship (though honestly, this retrograde isn't pulling much on new relationships but maybe shifting your current one or opening to new avenues to meet people could be useful).

Another thing to notice is this retrograde is in Aries, now that may make a few people cringe but honestly, this energy is all about learning how to use fire instead of burning out. What I mean is when someone does something and you feel your inner fire rise in reaction, take a moment, take a deep breath and ask yourself what you want from the situation, then respond instead of reacting. That is learning to use the fire, instead of being a slave to it. If you don't take personally responsibility this month, this aries retrograde may burn you out a bit so make sure to take care of yourself.

Remember that while the retrograde official period runs the 30th to the 23rd of April, the 10 days prior and the 6-8 days after can also be affected and the start and end will be the strongest times. I would really advise you to get your taxes done sooner rather than later.

Hope that quick update helps and I'll be headed back to Astrocurrents soon. While traveling I've taken a hiatus from my monthly newsletter so keep checking my blog for now:)

